Cultivating Change: Celebrating Women's Emerging Influence in Cannabis

On International Women's Day, we shine a spotlight on the trailblazing women who are cultivating change and breaking through barriers in traditionally male-dominated industries. Among these inspiring figures is Sarah, a 23-year-old Assistant Head Grower at Sandia Botanicals, whose journey reflects not just personal determination but also the growing presence and influence of women in the field.

Sarah's story is a testament to the grit and resilience of women striving for equity and recognition in the cannabis industry. Her narrative, marked by the challenges of overcoming stereotypes and the triumphs of contributing to the evolution of the cannabis sector, is a compelling reminder of the importance of nurturing a support network for women, fostering entrepreneurial spirit, and ensuring that every voice is heard and valued. As we celebrate International Women's Day, Sarah's reflections offer inspiration and practical advice for women aspiring to make their mark in this dynamic industry.


  • Name: Sarah

  • Age: 23

  • Occupation/Role in the Cannabis Industry: Assistant Head Grower at Sandia Botanicals

  • Years of Experience in the Cannabis Industry: 2 [legally], 7 [experientially] ✌️

What motivated you to enter the cannabis industry?

  • Working for big companies can be disheartening even if you enjoy what you work with. Cannabis was a whole new door for work and passion to mix.

How did you get involved in the cannabis industry?

  • As a teenager, I began working in flower rooms, defoliating, harvesting, and trimming. A friend of a friend needed trimmers for an outdoor harvest in August of 2020. I had never seen a cannabis farm before, so naturally I was in. From there I got tastes of the industry as it went rec to now.

How has networking played a role in your career in the cannabis industry?

  • Networking has inspired me to do what I do and show up every day willing to make a change and hopefully an impact. Socializing with the cannabis community within Albuquerque has brought me closer to my home and what I’m proud to do.

Do you feel there is enough support for women in the cannabis business, and if not, what improvements would you suggest?

  • I believe it's growing - there's definitely strong standing women run and owned businesses in New Mexico. However, they are not looked out for as much as some larger names and brands. I think as women we should keep pushing ourselves to make space and support one another on purpose in hopes to feel a stronger female presence in the industry.

How has working in the cannabis industry impacted your personal life?

  • Cannabis has provided me in ways I did not expect. There is a lot of physical labor and tedious details put into a seed to shelf operation. Seeing so many people try to thrive at the same thing and still stand apart… This industry is hungry and that hunger drives me inside and outside of the grow. Overall pushing me to be a better grower, friend, neighbor, sister—everything.

Have you faced any stereotypical misconceptions due to your involvement in the cannabis industry?

  • I have in the past. It can be hard as a young female grower to have a voice. Luckily, I’ve been surrounded by a team that allows me to be heard and seen while my role keeps me hidden in the background. Through time I feel all misconceptions have light eventually shine on the truth and with the right support any stereotypes and misconceptions can be dissolved.

If applicable, what challenges and rewards have you experienced as a woman entrepreneur in the cannabis sector?

  • At first it was a challenge to find my place, my role. I didn’t know what aspect meant more for me to work with. Do I want to work retail and talk to beautiful people about something I love? Do I help market and reach out? Should I process and make pre-rolls? As a result at not knowing I moved around different departments. One day I met my reward as I was welcomed with a new opportunity to work where it all starts—The Grow.

What advice would you give to women looking to enter or advance in the cannabis industry? Is there anything you wish you had known when you started working in the cannabis business?

  • Advice to my Hash Queens: Be confident. Know your worth. Choose what aspect in cannabis you happy and get good at it for that reason—you. Do it for you! There is no competition here with another gender, age or experience… The only thing to compete with is yourself. So try your best, learn what you can do and as you learn you’ll get better. I wish I knew I was only going to get something out of my work if I made myself proud first. There’s no one else I need to prove my value as a grower to.

Wrapping up our salute to the fierce femmes of the cannabis field, we’re rolling out some sweet deals to keep the Women's Day vibe high and mighty. Swing by and snag some respect for your wallet, too. It's all about giving props where they're due, so let's light up the celebration in true herbal sisterhood style. Catch these deals while they're fresh, folks—just our way of saying thanks to the ladies who lead the way. Peace, love, and good greens to all!


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